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Warteg, Dangdut, dan Pemberdayaan

Working as a UX Researcher in a newly developing company made me wonder why we created our product. This article was about understanding grassroots and how they can use our product.

Tilik Indonesia dari Seni dan Pornografi

There was a time when an artist created an artwork, the public assumes it as a controversial idea and work. As a result, not a few works had been destroyed and left as a history.  In December 2016, The Museum Tanpa Tanda Jasa event was held to invite the public to look deeper into this very issue.

Ingin Terkenal Tapi Belum Dikenal

In June 2017, I wrote a curatorial note for Azizi's solo exhibition titled Belum Lima Menit: untuk Aji, dari Aji, oleh Aji.

Azizi Al-Majid is an artist from Palembang based in Bandung. Self-centric might be his usual topic for every artwork he made while fast and spontaneous were his way to express and create this series. 

Bingung Kepepet: Meromansa Sesuatu yang Banal

Every year, the second grade of ITB's Printmaking student always create a drawing exhibition as their first benchmark. While usually students only show their drawing artwork curated by their senior, this time, class of 2014  also featured their prints. This curatorial note was  for their first exhibition as printmaker titled Bingung Kepepet.

Untuk Almamater yang Lebih Baik

A Graduation Parade in ITB always been a looking-forward-event for the whole campus community; especially a parade prepared by Faculty of Art and Design where students create a lot of properties and festive music.

Once, there was a frenetic rumors where all of the first year students were being suspended due to their participation in creating this event. It followed by  some senior creating a protest act which judged as inappropriate. 

Help Me Help You

When creating participatory art, a long process is required. Especially when using an ethnographic method. It might drain our energy and our heart, but it was worth it.


Down There Is What You Called Floor

A Complete Fantasy Story

The story started when Hiraka Oktavi, a college student, found his best friend's cold body (Jun) in his bedroom. Although people assumed Jun's death was caused by suicide, Raka disagreed. His denial led him to a mysterious flask consist of a stimulant he never saw and also a weird girl called Nova who was originated from the world below. Together, they were seeking the truth from the odd, twisted city called Floor.

Catatan Karantina Sang Rusa
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A Writing Project About Covid-19

Months of work from home and self isolation doesn't make the COVID situation in Indonesia gets better.

This book is a short stories compilation consists of nine chapters from nine different authors with nine different backgrounds. They will lead you to a world where they respond the theme of 'isolation and pandemic'.

Writing Ideas and Stuff

A Self Help for Beginner Writer

Regardless having more friends, it is really fun to be part of the Wattpad Community. Readers are always coming back to visit our book and left some comments as feedback or even asking about steps to create a wonderful story. This e-book, consist of 26 chapters is about finding ideas and worldbuilding.

Across The River

A Heartwarming Short Story
In his late age, Santiago had to go back to his hometown due to his sister illness. However, a local boy named Loui asked to come along. Santiago would say yes if the boy could bring him a thousand stars.

© 2021. Rachmawati Widyasari

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