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My joy from the quality time I had spent volunteering at Bandung Care for Cancer Kids Foundation (YKaKB - Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Bandung) was a bonus. Initially, I had gone to YKaKB only for the opportunity to apply the participatory art practice in a community and to experiment if indeed, art activity could generate happiness. After 3 years of designing research method and data-gathering, my project involving children with cancer at the YkaKB was later presented as installation artwork in Hidayat Gallery, September 23rd 2016. I could see clearly the enthusiasm of these children  as they participated in several workshops I conducted. But beyond that, this art project gave opportunity not only to the children themselves, but also parents and the foundation’s staff by providing not only an educational experience but also a medium of self expression to lighten up their days.

Final Presentation
Workshop Gallery

© 2021. Rachmawati Widyasari

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