My joy from the quality time I had spent volunteering at Bandung Care for Cancer Kids Foundation (YKaKB - Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Bandung) was a bonus. Initially, I had gone to YKaKB only for the opportunity to apply the participatory art practice in a community and to experiment if indeed, art activity could generate happiness. After 3 years of designing research method and data-gathering, my project involving children with cancer at the YkaKB was later presented as installation artwork in Hidayat Gallery, September 23rd 2016. I could see clearly the enthusiasm of these children as they participated in several workshops I conducted. But beyond that, this art project gave opportunity not only to the children themselves, but also parents and the foundation’s staff by providing not only an educational experience but also a medium of self expression to lighten up their days.
Final Presentation

Workshop Gallery

using paint and brush for painting material

drying the painting

Condro (left) and Uthi (right) helping atik to held the workshop

monoprint using balloon and paint

Tyas and her works

during workshop

during workshop

workshop process

Mrs. Aini, the teacher showing Nugi (right) work.


making stencil with masking tape, sponge and paint

during the workshop

workshop process

Ila (14 y.old) and her works

Abstract painting workshop using soap and ink solvent and pen

Workshop process

Blowing the solvent's bubble

Blowing the solvent's bubble


a volunteer was cutting the picture

gluing the picture on the board

Rian cutting the picture

Azimi and his work